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What benefit do cover crops provide?  For every $10.00 investment in cover crops your American Farmer partner will plant 1 additional acre of cover crops.


What can Cover Crops Do?


With about 267 million acres of row crop agriculture in the U.S., the potential for cover crop adoption is quite higher than what has actually been achieved to date


cover crops have the potential to sequester approximately 60 million metric tons of CO2-equivalent per year when planted across 20 million acres, offsetting the emissions from 12.8 million passenger vehicles.


Cover crops protect water quality by curbing soil erosion and reducing nitrogen losses by an average of 48%.  Reducing the reduction of Nitrogen allows Farmers to reduce the use of commercial fertilizers in addition to keeping nitrogen out of our water supplies. 


A dense stand of winter rye or other cover crop can suppress weeds by soil shading. Allelochemicals from cover crops suppress the growth of other plants thereby reducing the need for commercial herbicides.


Beneficial insects, such as lady beetles or ground beetles, may be encouraged by planting cover crops.  The increase in insects of differing types promote enhanced biodiversity including pollinators like bees and butterflies.


Soil tilth is improved whenever a plant establishes roots and grows into compacted areas. Water infiltration is improved as well. When a field lays fallow for a period of time, the surface tends to seal and water will run off. Cover crops protect the soil surface and reduce sealing. Also, beneficial organisms in the soil, such as earthworms, thrive when fresh plant material is decomposing. Organic matter levels tend to improve with the addition of cover crops.

What will my purchase do?


Each acre of cover crops can sequester up to .22 tons of Carbon per year.  This will help offset your carbon footprint.


Each acre of cover crops will help reduce erosion by providing residue which slows the runoff of rainfall and the potential of wind-blown erosion.


Every acre of cover crops provides one more acre of winter habitat that otherwise would not be available under conventional farming practices.  An increase in habitat means healthier and more diverse wildlife.


The reduction in loss of nitrogen and phosphorus will help reduce the Hypoxic Zone off the coast of Louisiana, thereby increasing plant and animal life in the gulf.


Every acre planted with Cover Crops means a reduction in the use of commercial herbicides and pesticides, providing healthier and cleaner food for everyone.


An acre of additional habitat for wildlife and the increase in pollinators.  In the United States 1/3 of all agricultural output relies upon pollinators.  This is especially true for most fruits and vegetable.

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